Compare the features in each version of Create
Create for Excel
with Preference Manager
with Customised Content
Worksheet templates library (single worksheets and whole databooks)
NEW! Insert Table of Contents - available in 10.4
NEW! Sharp trace precedents/dependents - available in 10.4
NEW! AutoColour - available in 10.4
NEW! Select sheets - available in 10.4
NEW! IfError - available in 10.4
NEW! Prepare to share workbook - available in 10.4
Custom colour palette (up to 70 colours)
Symbol library
Apply smart table or text formats to any worksheet
Apply cell or border formats for tables (Titles, Items, Results, Totals)
Export table as a linked OLE object
Export table as a linked Picture
Export table as a linked Worksheet Object
Scale selected Table in Excel to fit selected shape/placeholder in PowerPoint
Scale selected Table in Excel to fit selected shape/placeholder in Word
Export linked text to PowerPoint
Export linked text to Word
Export as linked Excel Chart
Export as linked Excel Chart - resized only
Export Chart as embedded PowerPoint Chart
Export Chart as embedded Word Chart
Export chart as linked picture (As Is, Resized Only, Scale Proportionally, Stretch to Fit, Fully Formatted)
Export chart as linked Excel OLE
Preview chart resize before export
Recreate selected Chart as an embedded object in PowerPoint
Recreate selected Chart as an embedded object in Word
Quick Send to PowerPoint (one button to send and link chart or table or text will use Company Defaults for each object type)
Quick Send to Word (one button to send and link chart or table or text will use Company Defaults for each object type)
Waterfall Chart
Stacked Waterfall Chart
Waterfall Chart with Comparison Column
Stacked Waterfall Chart with Comparison Column
Marimekko Chart
Price Volume Combo (scatterline/bar)
Bubble Chart
Gantt Chart
Stacked Cluster
Line/Column Combo
XY Scatter Chart
Pie Chart with customised labels and settings
Doughnut with customised labels and settings
Insert new standard formatted chart (e.g. Pie, Column, Line, Area, Bar, Donut)
Change chart type
Copy/Apply chart plot area
Calculate CAGR
Calculate & draw CAGR line onto chart
Calculate & draw average line or average area
Add shaded forecast period to chart (from current day or selected date)
Add split chart axis (break)
Add comment to chart
Add series to second sxis
Add linked text box pie labels
Add/remove data lables
Make selected chart series a Line
Multiply and Divide cell value/s
Set axis labels and calculate start and end date of XY scatter line charts
Wrap Text
Add Footnote to Text/Chart
Apply company approved number format
Switch to alternative brand
Save workbook as a PDF
Create for PowerPoint
with Preference Manager
with Customised Content
Author function to edit company content and settings
Mark content as updateable (such as whole slides, text, charts and shapes) when opened, Create checks and updates to latest version
Office locations and company contact information linked to slides
Preference manager to edit company content and settings
Customised, built-in presentation templates
NEW! Insert text Cross-Reference (to object from title slide, agenda, section or slide title, slide number) - available in 10.4
NEW! Shape Settings - display size, position, text box, fill, line font settings for a selected object - with Copy/Paste option - available in 10.4
Toggle draft stamp on/off
Toggle cover graphics on/off for printing on pre-printed covers
Select objects - change all attributes: by shape, colour or line style
Make objects - same height, width or apply all properties of a selected object
Package a copy of the selected presentation together, with all linked source data into a custom zip
Sort table (alphabetical or numerical)
Remove all confidential document properties and PDF
Format PowerPoint chart
Format table in PowerPoint including bullets, numbers and text
Slide layout library
Shared content library
Symbol library (to apply to text)
Shape library
Map library
Text formatting pane for bullets, headings, text, tables
Section and appendix dividers
Automatic agenda/table of contents - from slide titles, dividers, native PPT sections or a combination - with hyperlinks
Automatic repeating agenda/table of contents with active section highlighted and hyperlinks
Insert Mini-TOC on section dividers (containing topics within the current section, with hyperlinks)
Insert quick slides (e.g. 1 up, 2 up, 4 up)
Insert Calendar (4 months)
Insert picture (from file, library or clipboard)
Insert map marker, symbol or infographic
AutoText - Add common slide elements such as Title, Subtitle and Source to the slide
Section Tracker (all sections or single section) with optional hyperlink to section or TOC
Home link (hyperlink to sections on all slides with toggle to remove/update)
Update all linked charts, tables and text from Excel source/s at once
Update all tables at once
Update all charts at once
Update Table of Contents or Agenda (TOC)
Update all linked charts, tables and text from Excel source/s, plus TOC, section trackers and hyperlinks at once
View data source
Change data source of selected Excel charts or tables
Change selected Excel charts or tables to new workbook
Package a copy of a selected document, together with all linked source data into a custom zip for sharing, working locally or archiving
Change layout of a selected slide
Brand checker for colours and fonts not in the palette, double spaces within text, items with [square brackets] and text with highlighter applied
Colour palette / map palette (up to 72 tints)
Change spellcheck language
Page numbers for Facing Pages (whole presentation)
Page numbers for Facing Pages (selected slides)
PDF and remove metadata
Switch to alternative brand
Create for Word
with Preference Manager
with Customised Content
Customised, built-in presentation templates
Toggle draft stamp on/off
NEW! Colour palette (up to 72 colours) - aavailable in 10.4
Toggle letterhead on/off (for printed on pre-printed stationery)
Package a copy of the selected presentation together, with all linked source data into a custom zip for sharing, working locally or archiving
Remove all confidential document properties (metadata) and PDF
Format table in Word including bullets, numbers and text or custom design
Exhibits library (layout placeholders for 1 object, 2, 4 etc.)
Shared content library
Symbol library
Text formatting pane
Insert Portrait/Landscape orientation page (with headers/footers formatted correctly)
Insert custom section and appendix dividers
Automatic insertion or update of table of contents, figures, table, exhibits
Table of contents editor
Insert placeholder for text, tables, charts or objects
Insert picture (from file or clipboard)
Update all linked Excel charts and tables from Excel source/s at once
Update all Excel tables at once
Update all Excel charts at once
Update linked Excel text at once
View data source for selected Excel charts, table or text
Copy and paste linked selection/section including text, into new document
Change data source of selected object/s
Change selected Excel objects to new workbook
Set spelling language
Switch to alternative brand/s
Azure active directory licencing (Enterprise only)